Be Ready to Roll

News happens fast.
The need for less expensive, easier to operate, smaller mobile communication platforms has never been more evident. Don’t let outdated tech leave you stuck behind the times.
On Air from Anywhere
Easy to Operate
Respond and report without extensive training time. Our vehicles have state of the art tech, but we make using them simple — with the push of a button.
We Know Broadcast
Our team of broadcast engineers, first responders, and expert craftsmen have been in the industry for decades — evolving with technology as it grows.
Built Custom for You
We handle all details of design and construction to build a vehicle exactly for your needs — from mobile tech to custom branding — it’s made for you.
We’ve had our name in the game since the very beginning.
Our agility and adaptability established us as the leader in mobile broadcast communications. We tackle the tech, you take it live.
- A heritage of industry experts since 1963
- Our staff is certified by the Society of Broadcast Engineers
- Our broadcast engineers come from the broadcast industry
- Only upfitter to receive the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences - Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award as of 2022
- NAB Best of Show 10+ times
- Working relationships with industry professionals and OEM vehicle manufacturers, and outstanding contracts with all the major networks
- Multiple certifications by product: Ford QVM, GM Fleet, and Sprinter Expert Up-fitter
- Vehicles that meet or exceed all applicable SAE standards, NEC Codes, FMVSS Standards 207, 210, 216, & 302
From compact and easy-to-operate — to heavy production capabilities for a whole team —
From compact and easy-to-operate — to heavy production capabilities for a whole team —
Accelerated Media Technologies will get you ready to roll.

Consult with our industry experts to
best meet your needs and budget.

Review our detailed proposal and request changes or adjustments.

Step ThreeCREATE
We build your mobile communications vehicle exactly the way you want it.
When you need to be on the air from anywhere…
Your mobile broadcast equipment is your lifeline.
AMT designs and builds mobile communication vehicles with easy-to-use system integration that gets new-age tech on the streets. Built by experts in the industry — we understand the mission.
In today’s constantly changing world of technology, it’s hard to stay competitive. For a company that thrives on reporting the latest headlines, you must be ready to roll when the story breaks. You want to equip your team with the best, but where do you start?